
A bit of a personal post here…

Since returning from Tanzania I have entered a period of transition.  Mainly it is acceptance of the fact that one becomes what one practices, and although talent or even skill are nice attributes successful people are consistent.  Subsequently, I am organizing my life starting with prioritizing goals.  In the past I have felt the need to take every opportunity presented, and thus overworked myself or found myself unprepared for opportunities that had higher priority.  The result of such action is that I have spent tons of energy doing work with little accomplished.  Now, I  have realized that I must choose, I simply can’t do everything, at least not to begin with.  As I develop routine and skill in the most important priorities, then I can begin to add additional projects on.  Also, I have spent some time thinking about my “why”…what makes the effort worthwhile, and I realized that I have walked so far from my chosen path because I believed the lie that you have to do what you have to do to get the opportunity to do what you want to do.  To be clear, there is work that must be done and it won’t always be fun.  However, there are many people in the world whom seek to falsely place their goals between you and your own, and that is how you end up sidetracked from your own dreams.  Basically, the only way to achieve mastery of your craft is to practice it primarily; if you want to write-write, if you want to dance-dance, if you want to sing-sing, etc.  The daily grind by which you support yourself must remain secondary in your mind, and hopefully you can find a daily grind that supports your dreams-in fact one should pursue employment that directly supports your goals and strengthens your “muscle” so that time is most effectively used.  Instead, I was acting in the conventional wisdom of “take what you can,” “you are lucky to have a job,” etc. not realizing that this very thing was draining my energy and preventing me from manifesting myself as I see myself.  As a result I was angry at my job, frustrated at the inability to express myself, but the problem was mine because I kept expecting to be given access to the resources that I needed if I worked hard enough or long enough…this never works.  This is the proverbial carrot that leads one to bondage, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today,” only Tuesday never comes.  Well, I decided to jump off of the merry-go-round (which frankly isn’t very merry, lol) and I’m throwing caution to the wind to pursue my goals.  I don’t know what the future holds (no one really does), but I know the journey is the way.  I am ready.  Ashe`

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