Story Time: How Schools Attempt to Destabilize Black Students

So, I was listening to Dr. Umar discuss “learning disabilities’ ‘ and IEPs and childhood memories came to the surface.  Although these memories were not buried or removed from my consciousness they were given little attention because they were very normalized within my mind.  Part of that normalization was the fact that racism is soContinue reading “Story Time: How Schools Attempt to Destabilize Black Students”

Late Night Ramblings of a Mind

So, I’ve been thinking, especially since Mother’s Day, about the roles that we play, and who we are to our children and our community, and I’ve come to recognize the frustration and disparity that comes from within.  While working in sales I was taught that the customer that fights with you is one that seeksContinue reading “Late Night Ramblings of a Mind”

The Slap Heard Around the World

So, everyone is talking about the slap, and initially I was not going to weigh in on it.  However after reading the many opinions that you lovely folks post as well as the articles that are flooding the internet, I think there is an important lesson that is being missed, so I decided to chimeContinue reading “The Slap Heard Around the World”


A bit of a personal post here… Since returning from Tanzania I have entered a period of transition.  Mainly it is acceptance of the fact that one becomes what one practices, and although talent or even skill are nice attributes successful people are consistent.  Subsequently, I am organizing my life starting with prioritizing goals.  InContinue reading “Transition”