Women Don’t Owe You Anything- The Male Need to Control Women

To be clear, no one owes anyone anything other than being a good humanistic person, but that will be discussed at a later time.  This post is in reference to the unspoken but often manifested expectations of ownership of women; their time, labor, physicality, smiles, understanding, nurturing, cooperation, etc.  WOMEN DO NOT OWE YOU!!  EveryContinue reading “Women Don’t Owe You Anything- The Male Need to Control Women”

On A Positive Note

So, millennials have been getting a lot of flack from the prior generations mainly stating that they are entitled, however let’s pause and ask ourselves if their requests are unwarranted.  Most of the requests that I see from millennials are for basic respect and needs; affordable housing, healthcare, education, a realistic work-life balance, and respectContinue reading “On A Positive Note”

The Effects of Slavery on Black Relationships

          So my mind has been heavy lately as I have been contmplating the relationships that I see  wthin my community, and I cannot deny the ties that I see between the treatment of black people during slavery and the current state of relationships and faimly building now.  As a black woman I have a vestedContinue reading “The Effects of Slavery on Black Relationships”

Is Kyle Rittenhous a Victim

So, I’ve been loosely following the trial. Initially I didn’t feel the need to follow the trial because it was so clear cut, why bother spending energy following it. However it has come to my attention that the defense has tried to justify Rittenhous’ actions by pointing blame at his victims, which (in my opinion)Continue reading “Is Kyle Rittenhous a Victim”

Why I Think the Lack of Support in the Black Community is a Remnant of Slavery

    Recently a young man that is close/related to many of my Facebook friends decided to take his own life, which has led to many statements about the lack of support within the black community, particularly in regard to mental illness and general life struggles.  This response is somewhat a natural one because it isContinue reading “Why I Think the Lack of Support in the Black Community is a Remnant of Slavery”

Ravings of a Grounded mind

    So I am sitting at the airport allowing recently intaken data to flood my mind and I find my thoughts turning to a few podcasts that I watched by TonyaTKO, mainly discussing the lack of protection that black women receive, and it really resonated with me.  Most of my life has reverberated the talesContinue reading “Ravings of a Grounded mind”

The Narcissism of Colonization

The Narcissism of Colonization It occurs to me that one must have a truly narcissistic perspective to traverse the world and upon arriving in new places, subjugate the customs and governance of the place through a lens of your own rules, judge that society, and tell yourself on your own authority that you have theContinue reading “The Narcissism of Colonization”

How Capitalism Taints Love

One of the most damaging aspects of capitalism is the fact that it hijacks love.  It seeks what motivates the individual and gains access and control over as mechanism to motivate individuals to sell themselves and act according to the desires of the controller.  Instead of spending time rearing and nurturing your children you goContinue reading “How Capitalism Taints Love”