Breonna Taylor

Today I sit here heart broken; I saw the verdict that did not directly indict any of the police officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s murder and, unfortunately, I’m not surprised. Black America has been prepared for this verdict since we gained insight of the incident, and although we are rightfully outraged we handle it withContinue reading “Breonna Taylor”

Affirmative Action Fallacy

Today I watched Hawk Newsome interview Candace Owens and the conversation turned to Affirmative Action. Owens expressed the opinion that Affirmative Action harms black people because it brings question to the skill level of blacks that we see in society; basically, the idea that a black person may have been hired due to Affirmative ActionContinue reading “Affirmative Action Fallacy”

Stephanie Freeman and Jeffrey Hume: An Opinion Piece

For those who don’t know, Stephanie Freeman and Jeffrey Hume are two teens that recently came under fire for making a racist tiktok. In the video the teens were seen using the “N Word” while reading slips of paper with various negative stereotypes. Although there actions were abhorrent, I think this can be an opportunityContinue reading “Stephanie Freeman and Jeffrey Hume: An Opinion Piece”

Welcome to Certified Conversations

Thank you for coming to my blog. Certified Conversation is a place to discuss all of the hot button issues that plague society today. The goal is to destigmatize the taboos of society through honest, frank discussion and commentary while exploring the various facets of common issues. Lets dive in! What we talk about RelationshipsContinue reading “Welcome to Certified Conversations”